
Camp Dainava

Orthomosaic Map

Georeferenced aerial image created by stitching together multiple overlapping photos, corrected for distortion and scale to provide an accurate, top-down view of an area. 

Image shown  here is down-sized to 0.5 MB, because the full size 184.7 MB is too large to display on the website. Click Here To Download Full Resolution Image

3D Model

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Contours Map

A type of topographic map that uses lines to represent the elevation and shape of the land's surface, showing how steep or flat an area is by the spacing of the lines.

Topographical Map

Accurate representation of the Earth's surface, showing terrain contours, elevations, and landforms using various symbols and shading.

Plant Health

Uses aerial imagery and multispectral data to visualize the health and condition of crops, highlighting areas of stress, nutrient deficiencies, or pest infestations for more targeted management.

Up-To-Date Site Imagery

Provides the most current aerial visuals of your site, captured on the date of your project, ensuring accurate and timely data that reflects the latest site conditions, unlike outdated images from traditional sources.